S.K.H. St. Peter’s Church Kindergarten (Castle Peak)

HK S.K.H. St. Peter’s Church Castle Peak Tsing Wun Road Kindergarten     S.K.H. St. Peter’s Church Castle Peak Child Care Centre

K 1 class enrollment

2025-2026-K1 Admission Arrangement Public Posting Flowchart

S.K.H. St. Peter’s Church Kindergarten (Castle Peak)


HK S.K.H. St. Peter’s Church Castle Peak Tsing Wun Road Kindergarten

K.1 Admission Arrangements for 2025-2026
September 3, 2024 (Tue) to September 20, 2024 (Fri) Acceptance of Enrollment

Parents apply to the EDB for
the Registration Certificate for KG admission” (“RC”) from
September to November 2024

Upon receipt of the applications with all necessary
information and documents provided, it generally takes six to eight weeks for EDB to complete processing of the applications and issue the RC / KG Admission Pass” (“AP ”) to paren ts by post 1

Online Enrollment

*Date and Time : 
 From 3rd Sept  (Tue) 9:00a.m.
  to 20th Sept (Fri) 4:00p.m.

  • Link to Enrollment System:
  • If you have already completed the online application, you do not need to submit the enrollment form in person.

In Person Application

*Date and time:
FromMon to Fri : 9:00 am
4:00 pm
Sat : 9:00 am 11 3 0 am
(Except Sun and public holidays)

  •  Application forms can be obtain ed from our school during
    the above mentioned period
  • or can be downloaded from our school website from
    3rd Sept 2024 (Tue) after 9:00 am
    School website: www.skhspcmain.edu.hk


  • For details, please read the Guidelines For Parents Regarding K1 Admission Application”
  • Application fee: HK$40
  • Parents will be notified of the interview date and time by ema i l/post

Please come for an interview at the designated time on 2nd Nov 2024 ( that will be arranged by the school.
【Interviews will be arranged on 9 th Nov (Sat) if there are t oo many applicants. 】

Parents will be notified of the application results by email/post on or before 6 th Dec 2024 (Fri).

If application is successful

If application is not successful

Parents register with our school during the “centralised registration dates” (i.e. 2 nd to 4 th January 20 25 ) by
submitting submitting the “RC”/“AP” and paying
HK$1570(whole day) or HK 970 (half day) registration fee 2

  • Registrat ion Time:
    2nd Jan (Thu) to 3 rd Jan ( 9:00 am 3:00 pm
    4th Jan (Sat) : 9:00 am 1 1:30 am
  • If parents wish to withdraw their application after
    the registration, a formal written notice must be
    presented in person at the school office in orde r
    to retrieve their child “RC”/ “AP”. The
    registration fee paid is non refundable and upon
    retrieval of the “RC ”/ “AP”, the child’s place at our school is also forfeited.

Parents refer to the K1 vacancy
information released by the EDB after the “centralised registration dates” (i.e. from early February 2025)

  • Unsuccessful applicants will be placed
    on our K1 waiting list automatically.

Please contact us
if an interpretation / translation
service i s equired.Non Chinese speaking parents
can refer to the Education Bureau under “2025 /26
K1 Admission Arrangements ” for more information.


  1. Note:
    If parents cannot submit the“RC” / “ to the KG which their child has been a dmitted to during the “cen tralised registration dates”, the KG
    concerned may not be able to complete registration for their child. Hence, parents are required to submit application to EDB within the designated
  2. If a child is admitted after the “c en tralised registration dates”, his her parent is still required to submit the “RC” / “AP” for registration. If the
    parent intend s to change school for his/her child after regist ration with a KG, he/she is required to get back the “RC” / “AP” from the KG with which he/she has registered. Upon getting back the “RC” / “AP” from a KG, the KG concerned will no longer reserve the place for th e child. Normally, the registration fee paid to the KG with which the parent has registered will not be refunded.